Your business needs a website!

Gravitas Web Services | Website Development

In today’s ever increasingly digital world, it is an absolute necessity that your business have a website. A website is a space where potential clients will get a feel for your business’ products and services, your culture and personality, and perhaps most importantly how your business can be accessed. The average person when looking for a product or service will first conduct an online search to find what is available to them, whether it be where they can find a delicious beer or a local photographer to take personal branding photos for their business.

Think of your website as an extension of your business. This it the place where potential new customers will come to first to find information on your products and services. Do you really want to miss out on that sale? Your competitors will not!

While it’s important to maintain social media pages, these are not a good replacement for a website. Firstly, social media pages aren’t a guaranteed thing. The platform may not be relevant forever. Also, the content on your social media page is visible at the whim of whatever platform you are using. Anyone can report your page for any reason and have it all shut down! Your website is completely customizable and can always be optimized to reach the front page of a search engine to be certain you are on a potential customers radar.

Gravitas Web Services can help you to build and maintain your online presence, contact us today to see how! We look forward to hearing from you.


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