Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Gravitas Web Services | Small Business Web Developer

Search Engine Optimization (SEO); by this point you’ve already heard of it. By being here reading this blog post, I know you are at least curious about it. In this post I aim to explain what exactly SEO is and why it’s important to your business.

What is SEO?

At the very heart of it, Search Engine Optimization is a method by which your website is tuned to generate more traffic based on a specific set of keywords that your primary target audience might look for when performing a search through DuckDuckGo, Google, Bing, or Yahoo. On a regular basis these search engines will perform a crawl of your website to look for new or updated content and will then categorize and score the content by how many times a specific term is found. As an example, if you are a photographer specializing in brand photography, of course your website should say this in as many ways as organically possible. This way when a potential client searches Google for “Brand Photographer”, your website will show up as high on the list of results as possible in order to give your business the best chance to be seen.

Of course, it can get way more complicated than that. There are other factors that can improve or hurt your websites chances to be seen. Readability, page loading times, security (HTTPS vs HTTP) and social network shares/likes to name a few. Gravitas Web Services is here to make this easy on you, we’ve got your back!

Why is SEO important to my business?

If you’ve read this far, you probably already have a good idea as to why SEO is so crucial. Let me spell it out for you anyway. Most users who perform a search will rarely make it past the first few pages of results. Here are some numbers to drive the point home:

  • 92% of search traffic clicks are attributed to first page results.
  • Second page results have resulted in as low as 6% search click traffic.

When users do not find what they are looking for in the first page of results, most of them will instead launch a new search with different keywords or simply give up the search all together. If your website isn’t getting views, then it’s not living up to its potential.

This is where we come in. With your input, we will research the best possible keywords, develop a strategy, and then execute that strategy to connect your website with your ideal client. From there you do what you do best.

Do you need help with SEO?

Gravitas Web Services is a small business web development company located in Sloatsburg, NY. We specialize in Web Development, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Domain name search & registration, Web site hosting & set up and website updates & maintenance. Get in touch with us today to get started on boosting your online presence.

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